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Deep LS GmbH

Enabling Control over the Chemicals Space-Prediction Molecules with AI


  • Digital business & Artificial intelligence


  • Pharmaceuticals, health, medical

Who we are (brief description):

Deep LS GmbH
Enabling Control over the Chemicals Space-Prediction Molecules with AI

By developing and introducing novel innovative software frameworks, Deep LS is helping Life Science Companies to leverage the disruptive potential of Machine Learning and AI. GeneSys is an AI Software that predicts molecules that bind to a given target protein. Its core technological feature is a Latent Diffusion Model that can generate molecular 3D structures based on a calculated seed information. This technology can achive time saving by up to 75% on Drug Discovery processes. The cost saving potential goes even beyond 75%. GeneSys generates higher quality results compared to other generative AI de novo ligand design approaches. It is the only solution on the market that actually comes closest to deliver on the 10^63 chemical space combinations claim.
